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RIAs Want to Know: What Else Should We Be Doing?

There is one question that remains top-of-mind for RIA founders, partners, and CMOs: what else should we be doing from a marketing perspective to drive organic growth?

We’ve heard this question so often, that we made a 52-question assessment to help RIA leaders answer this question and compare their progress to other growth-driven RIAs.

A higher score on this assessment reflects a more mature marketing platform that better aligns with the best practices seen at high-growth RIAs. Firms should try and increase their score in a consistent and sustainable way over a period of quarters and years, and completing this survey quarterly is a good way for firms to track their progress.

A score of 100 or higher means that your firm’s marketing platform is “high performing,” and we developed this benchmark based on our nearly 10 years of experience working with RIAs that frequently show up on FA Magazine’s and Barron’s list of the top RIA firms in the country.


Separating Foundational Items from all the “Nice to haves”

It’s important to note that not all aspects of your firm’s marketing platform are equally important. That’s why some questions are weighted more heavily within our marketing assessment. The most important questions on the survey capture the quality of your firm’s foundational items: investor persona definitions, your value proposition, your overall marketing strategy, brand guidelines, and your marketing infrastructure.

  • Investor personas: Who are we targeting?
  • Value Proposition: How are we different and why does it matter?
  • Marketing Strategy: How do we share our value proposition?
  • Brand Guidelines: What is our style and how does it all look?
  • Infrastructure: How do we manage the moving pieces?

The highest-performing RIAs have answered these questions, documented the answers in writing, and institutionalized these answers across their organization.


Prioritizing Your Work

There’s only so much time in the day and dollars in your marketing budget. For that reason we always recommend firms prioritize their work on the areas of their marketing platform that will provide the highest ROI. What items provide the highest ROI varies firm-to-firm based on their current capabilities and their unique opportunity set.

If you’d like to see an example marketing assessment that we completed for a client you can click below.

If you’d like to take the assessment for your firm, you can click here. The assessment takes 20-minutes and we will send the results back to you within three business days.

Craig Hall

Craig Hall is founder and president of Marketing Wiz, a financial marketing firm specializing in the independent wealth management space.


Great people make it possible

Our team knows the RIA space, but we also like to think outside the box. This means that we have the experience to do things different.